The Best Ready Meals To Hit Your Macros Easily

Right, I'm not going to beat around the bush with this one...


I know a lot of you have busy schedules to work around, so the thought of making home cooked meals every day is a nightmare. Well, me and some Team RH members have found a bunch of ready meals that are under 500 calories and high in protein and fibre.


If you aren't a member of Team RH currently, we get you to track calories, protein, fibre and steps so that your weight melts off you. Sometimes you need a little bit of inspiration with what food to eat, which is why I've created this blog.


So... I don't want to hear anymore excuses of not being able to fit the time in to hit your goals on the Life Plan. PACK IT IN and get yourself to the shops for these bad boys...


Taking number one spot for the BEST ready meal macros is:

SlimWell Smoky BBQ Chicken


(P.S. The following lists are not in order of best to worst)


How to hit your calories and macros - Ready meal edition


If you've actually made it this far and you're still NOT signed up to the Life Plan then what are you doing??? Join us to change your life.

Looking for some high protein food examples to help smash your protein daily goal on the Life Plan? Checkout this blog here.

Would you rather look for fibre food examples instead? Have a little read of this blog here.

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