Top 10 Tips On How To Hit Your Step Goal - Without Leaving Your House

Top 10 Tips On How To Hit Your Step Goal - Without Leaving Your House

Can you do steps at home and hit your daily goal?

I get it, sometimes we don't want to leave the house - this can be for many reasons, including low confidence, anxiety or even agoraphobia. I'll keep this super straight forward for you, but stick with me till the end.

P.S. Why don't you start by stepping on the spot whilst reading this? Go on, get up and step.


9 Household activities you can try...

You guessed it, you don't actually need to walk somewhere to get your steps in on the Life Plan. If you are sat on your sofa (probably scrolling through social media) then why don't you stand up and step instead?

Have a look at your screen time, I can guarantee you spend a good few hours on your phone where you could be moving at the same time.

Here's just a few examples of when you could get more steps in, to help put it into perspective:

  1. Brushing your teeth
  2. Tackling the huge pile of ironing
  3. Waiting for your coffee to brew
  4. Waiting for your scran in the microwave
  5. During phone calls
  6. Watching the TV or stepping in commercial breaks
  7. Staying hydrated means you will have more toilet trips
  8. Dancing around with kids
  9. Putting the washing out to dry


You might feel like a taity doing this at first, but walking on the spot is very effective for burning calories, especially if you've got limited space.


Final tip...Following our 'at home' step videos on YouTube

"But Richie, stepping on the spot is boring!!"

Well, you might be right there, but increasing your steps doesn't have to be boring.


Our 10th tip is trying our step videos on YouTube for you to follow. Instead of basic stepping, Rachael incorporates different moves and music to help smash your steps in a set time.

We have a range of step episodes that specifically help you hit a certain amount of steps. I'll show you some examples below:


Need some help getting your last 3k steps of the day?

Click below to try this episode:


Do you have the time to smash your step goal in one go?

Click below to check out this 10k episode:


Fancy something really different and quick?

Click below to do our Rave Steps video:


What you need to take away from this is that you can achieve your step goal from home. If you have crippling anxiety and aren't quite ready to go outside yet, please know you don't need to wear the latest sport gear or go to the gym. You can do it with the curtains closed, wearing your favourite PJ's (or if you feel like it.... in the nudie).


Everyone has their own step goal on the Life Plan that can be achieved at home, whether that be 5k, 10k or 15k.

Now as much as hitting your steps is important, you need to hone in on your calorie tracking too. Learn more about that in this article here.

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